How to make $10,000 per month using the Text to Speech tool?

Have you ever thought you could make money using text-to-speech tools? Yep, it’s a thing. Businesses and creators need spoken words for videos, audio, ads, etc. And they’re willing to pay for it.

This guide will tell you how to make money by using text in speech. Discover three methods to make $10,000 per month using text-to-speech.

Can We Earn Money From Text-to-Speech?

Yes, you can make money from text-to-speech. Some people use it to make YouTube videos. They use the computer voice to talk in the video. Others use it to make audiobooks, and we have many more examples. 

They turn written texts into spoken words and use them. You can also offer this service to others who need a voice but need help to hire a real person. Text-to-speech can be a way to earn some cash. Just make sure to follow the rules if you use them for business.

There are 3 ways by which you can make up to $10,000 per month using text-to-speech tools. 

3 Ways To Earn Money From Text into Speech Tool

1. Affiliate Marketing

how much you can earn from affiliate marekting?

Affiliate Marketing is one of my favorite ways to earn money through Affiliate Marketing for text-to-speech (TTS) tools. Let me tell you why I believe this is the best way:

  • It’s Simple: All I do is share a unique link generated by the TTS tool. I get a commission if someone buys or signs up using my link. There is no need to create a product or service from scratch.
  • Low Effort, High Reward: I don’t have to spend hours working on it. A few minutes to share the link, and the earnings start rolling in.
  • Consistent Earnings: The more I promote, the more I earn. And the best part? These TTS tools are in high demand, so there’s always someone interested in buying.

Why is Exactly Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when you promote other people’s products and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral. Think of it like telling your friend about a cool product, and when they buy it, you get a thank-you cash from the company.

Companies set up affiliate programs to let people join as affiliates. They give you a unique link, and when someone buys through that link, they know the sale came from you. So, you promote, people buy, you earn money! Simple as that.

Several factors, including increasing digital content consumption, accessibility requirements, and the integration of voice technology in various applications, from virtual assistants to e-learning platforms, fuel the TTS industry’s growth.

global affiliate marketing chart

As the industry continues to evolve, there’s a golden opportunity for affiliate marketers to tap into this burgeoning market and promote innovative products like TextoSpeech.

How to do Affiliate 

  • Research Programs: Look for affiliate programs related to your niche.
  • Sign Up: Join the chosen affiliate program. They’ll give you a special link.
  • Create Content: Write articles, make videos, or social media posts about the product.
  • Add Your Link: Include your special link in the content.
  • Promote: Share your content online – websites, YouTube, social media.
  • Track Sales: Use the affiliate dashboard to see your sales and earnings.
  • Get Paid: When people buy using your link, you earn money. Wait for your payout!

Too many TTS websites provide an affiliate program, and I know some give you up to 30%-50% commission per sale. You can try them for better earning revenue.

Textospeech affiliate program stands out as a leading voiceover tool with a high commission rate. They support an impressive 500+ AI voices in over 140 languages.

If you bring a sale to, you’ll get 50% on any sale they make.

If you make a minimum of 20 sales in a month with an annual plan, you will get:

20 sales in a month using affiliate marketing

That’s monthly recurring revenue. You can start making $2,680 every single month with just 20 sales. The rest of the things, textospeech, will handle them for you. Your job is done here. It is like eating the fruits of your own tree.

Even if you take the average, you can make over $1500+ in sales every month with this process.

If you check out their page, they have listed down so many ways that is working for their other affiliates. You can take the ready-made copies and use them in your own campaign.


Speechify affiliate page

Speechify has an affiliate program. If you promote their products and someone buys, you get a part of the sale. Many people like their products, so you have a good chance to earn money. 

Speechify pricing

As you can see, this is the commission rate Speechify offers. They provide affiliates with a 50% cut from all the sales they refer. Plus, the tracking cookies last for 90 days, so even if someone you refer buys within three months, you still get credited. In the commission details for each product sale:

  • If someone gets the “Speechify Premium For TTS,” you earn $70.
  • For the “Speechify AI VoiceOver Studio” sale, your pocket gets an added $120.
  • And if someone chooses the “Speechify Audiobooks + TTS,” you get a cool $100.

So, by promoting their products, you have a chance to make some solid money! Just click on “Become an Affiliate” to get started.

Voiceovermaker affiliate

Check out VoiceOverMaker’s affiliate program. If you promote their Text-To-Speech and Voice-Overs, you can earn money forever. 

Start as a beginner and get 20%. Bring 100 customers, and you’ll earn 30%. Once you get 500 customers, that goes up to 40%. 

The more customers you bring, the more you earn!

Pro Tip: Get started with the TextoSpeech Affiliate Program, as it is one of the easiest and yet the one that makes the most money.

2. Freelance

Fiverr voiceover gigs

Freelancing with a Text-To-Speech (TTS) tool can be a solid way to earn money for a few reasons:

  • Demand for Voiceovers: There’s a growing need for voiceovers in videos, presentations, advertisements, and more.
  • Cost-Effective: A good TTS tool can be more affordable than hiring a voice actor, especially for long or frequent projects.
  • Flexibility: With a TTS tool, you can quickly generate voiceovers in multiple languages or accents without being a native speaker.
  • Quick Turnaround: Instead of coordinating with voice actors and waiting for them to record and send back the audio, using a TTS tool can help you deliver projects faster.
  • Consistent Quality: A TTS tool provides consistent quality. There’s no risk of a voice actor having an “off” day.

Websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer to get started with freelance TTS opportunities.

Let me give you some real-life examples.

Here’s one of the gigs I got when I simply searched “Voiceover” on Fiverr.

GIG of DEE Smith VO on Fiverr

As you can see, this person has got 810 reviews on Fiverr for his orders. 12 more orders in the queue. And you already know that not all the people who purchase leave the review.

Let it be!

Look at the price of his gig.

Pricing of one gig on fiverr

He charges $215 for 300 words of voiceover. The price increases if you increase the number of words.

Yes, this is real.

If you do the basic math now, then you can see:

810 * $215 = $174,150

$174,150, whopping dollars! FROM A SINGLE FIVERR GIG!

I have not even included the addons and bonuses and all other things.

That’s how powerful the freelancing sites are. If you do the above thing at one-tenth of the price, you can make over $10,000 without a sweat and a little bit of smartness.

There are other platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Facebook groups, etc., which you can try out as well.

3. Youtube

Meme Zee YouTube channel

YouTube is a massive platform with billions of users globally. It’s an ideal place to share TTS content, such as audiobooks, tutorials, or summaries. By turning written content into audio, you can reach a broader audience who prefer listening over reading.

There are many channels like “Meme Zee” that use only AI-generated text-to-speech and have gained 1M+ subscribers already. 

The earnings on YouTube come mainly from ads. Once you hit 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, you can join the YouTube Partner Program. From there, you can start monetizing your videos. 

Top videos on youtube channel

For every 1000 Views, you will get $2-$5. As you can see, getting views on a YouTube channel is not that much trouble once you get an audience.

Meme Zee Youtube Channel Earnings

If we calculate Meme Zee’s earnings in a month, it may be around $200,000-$400,000.

There are many other niches that you can find, and people are already making thousands of dollars that, too, without almost no effort.

Here are some of the best niches that go super well with text-to-speech tools, and you can make huge money out of them:

  1. Motivational Quotes
  2. Anime Speeches
  3. Documentaries
  4. Funny Animations
  5. Facts
  6. Storytelling

Hunt for the niche that goes well with your interest and make something big out of it.


Making money with a tool that changes text into speech is a cool way to turn articles or documents into audio. Companies or websites that provide affiliate programs can earn commissions, and YouTube for create content by using TTS tools.

Now that you know it’s possible, why not look into it? If you’re searching for a unique way to make money, this could be a great option. Go ahead and give it a try to see how profitable it can be!

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