5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

Text to speech online tools are programs that read written words aloud. They are very helpful for people who prefer listening over reading. These tools can read books, articles, or any text you type or upload. They are great for learning, multitasking, or for those who have trouble reading.

In this article, we will explore the best free text to speech tools available online. We’ll look at their features, how they work, and why they are useful. This will help you find the perfect text to speech tool for your needs, without having to pay anything.

Top 5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

1. TextoSpeech

5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

TextoSpeech is an online tool that turns written text into spoken words. It’s a text-to-speech (TTS) converter, which means it reads out loud what you type or paste into it. This is really helpful for people who prefer listening to content instead of reading it.

You can use TextoSpeech for free for things like hearing how a written document sounds, or for making spoken versions of text for people who have trouble reading. This tool offers several features. It has a variety of voices and languages you can choose from, making it versatile for different users.

It offers 200+ voices in 50+ languages. Generally, tools like this have limits, 150 charaters you can convert at once, but they’re usually generous enough for most needs. TextoSpeech is great for anyone looking for a simple, free way to convert text to speech online.


  • 200+ Voices: Choose from a large variety of voices for your projects.
  • Speed Control: Control how fast the voice speaks.
  • Word Emphasis: Make certain words stand out.
  • 50+ Languages: Many languages are available for broader reach.
  • Multiple Accents: Get the right regional accent for your audience.
  • Voice Emotions: Add feelings like happiness or sadness to the voice​.

Pros And Cons


  • Easy to use.
  • Quick voiceover creation.
  • No installation.
  • Voice customization.


  • Less natural voice.
  • Internet required.
  • Learning about some features.
  • Limited emotion variety.

Steps to Generate Audio On TextoSpeech

Step 1. Go to the Textospeech.net website.

Step 2. Upload or Input Your Text (You can either type your text directly or upload a file if you have one.)

Step 3. Select Voice and Language (Choose the voice you want to use. Textospeech provides different voices, like male, female, or even different accents.)

Step 4. Convert to Audio (Before converting, listen to a preview. If something sounds off, you can go back and make changes.)

2. FreeTTS

5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

Free TTS is an online tool which is great for anyone who needs to hear text read aloud. It’s useful for learning, if you have trouble reading, or if you just want to listen to text instead of reading it. You just type (under 5000 characters each time)or paste text into it, and it reads the text out loud for you.

This tool offers several features. It has a wide range of voices you can choose from, making it more enjoyable to listen to. Plus, Free TTS Supports more than 50 languages and accents, including English, Spanish and Mandarin, so it’s helpful for people all over the world.

Also Free TTS uses SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language). This makes it a top choice for a free text to speech online converter.

3. TTS Maker

5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

TTSMaker is a free online tool that turns written text into spoken words. This tool is really helpful for people who want to hear text read aloud instead of reading it on a screen. It’s great for those who learn better by listening or for people who need to multitask. TTSMaker can read out different kinds of texts, like articles, emails, or even book chapters.

This tool offers several features. It has a variety of voices and languages you can choose from. As of now, TTSMaker provides 100+ voices in over 40 languages, which is a lot! There’s also a limit on how many characters you can convert at once, but this limit is usually enough for most needs. TTSMaker is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to turn their text into speech without any hassle.

4. TTS Free

5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

TTS Free is an online tool that turns written text into spoken words. It’s a text-to-speech (TTS) converter that’s easy to use and totally free. This tool is great for anyone who needs to hear text out loud, like for learning, accessibility, or just convenience. You simply type or paste your text into the tool, and it reads it back to you in a clear voice.

TTS Free offers several features. It has a 200+ voices and 50+ languages to choose from. There’s also a character limit for each conversion, which is common for free TTS tools. This tool is handy for quick conversions of text to audio, making it accessible for various users, whether for personal, educational, or professional use.

5. TTS MP3

5 Best Free Text to Speech Online Converter

TTS MP3 is a free online tool that converts written text into spoken words. It’s a text-to-speech (TTS) converter. This tool is great for people who want to hear the text instead of reading it. You can use it for making audio files from books, articles, or any text. This is helpful for listening to content while doing other things.

This tool offers various features. It has many voices and up to 50+ languages to choose from. There’s also a 3000 character limit for each conversion, which means you can convert text up to a certain number of characters at a time. This tool is user-friendly and useful for anyone needing text-to-speech services without any cost.


These top 5 free text-to-speech online converters offer great ways to turn written text into spoken words. Each one has its own special features, like different voices and languages.

They are very useful for studying, making content accessible, or just enjoying text in a new way. Try them out to see which one works best for you. They are easy to use and can really help with reading or listening to text.