Duncan Kincaid Books in Order

Duncan Kincaid books are a popular series of mystery novels written by Deborah Crombie. These books feature Duncan Kincaid, a skilled detective from Scotland Yard, as he solves complex crimes in England. The stories are known for their well-developed characters and intricate plots.

In this article, we will discuss Duncan Kincaid Books in Order. We’ll explore how to read the series from the first to the latest book, so you can enjoy the unfolding mystery and character development without missing any important details.

Who is Duncan Kincaid?

Duncan Kincaid is a character in a series of mystery novels by author Deborah Crombie. He works as a Detective Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police in London. Throughout the series, Kincaid solves complex crimes while dealing with his personal life and relationships.

The Duncan Kincaid Books in Order series starts with “A Share in Death” and continues with many other books. These stories show Kincaid’s keen mind and his dedication to justice. The books also highlight his partnership with Detective Inspector Gemma James.

Reading the “Duncan Kincaid Books in Order” allows you to follow the character’s development and see how his cases and personal life intertwine. This series is perfect for fans of British crime fiction.

Importance of Reading the Duncan Kincaid Books in Order

Reading the Duncan Kincaid books in order is essential for understanding the development of characters and plot. Each book builds on the previous one, adding depth to the story and the relationships between characters. This makes the reading experience more engaging and enjoyable.

When you read the Duncan Kincaid books in order, you get to see the progression of the main characters. Their growth and experiences are best appreciated in the sequence the author intended. It helps to keep the story consistent and makes it easier to follow the ongoing mysteries.

Following the Duncan Kincaid books in order also enhances the overall experience. The plot twists and turns make more sense, and you can better understand the subtle clues and connections. This approach makes the series more satisfying and rewarding to read.

Duncan Kincaid Books in Order

  1. A Share in Death (1993)
  2. All Shall Be Well (1994)
  3. Leave the Grave Green (1995)
  4. Mourn Not Your Dead (1996)
  5. Dreaming of the Bones (1997)
  6. Kissed a Sad Goodbye (1999)
  7. A Finer End (2001)
  8. And Justice There Is None (2002)
  9. Now May You Weep (2003)
  10. In a Dark House (2004)
  11. Water Like a Stone (2007)
  12. Where Memories Lie (2008)
  13. Necessary as Blood (2009)
  14. No Mark Upon Her (2011)
  15. The Sound of Broken Glass (2013)
  16. To Dwell in Darkness (2014)
  17. Garden of Lamentations (2017)
  18. A Bitter Feast (2019)
  19. A Killing of Innocents (2023)

Enjoy the Duncan Kincaid Series with Textospeech.net

If you love mysteries, you should try the Duncan Kincaid series. It has great stories and interesting characters. With Textospeech.net, you can listen to the books in order, which makes it easy and fun.

Listening to books lets you enjoy them while doing other things. You can listen while traveling or relaxing at home. Textospeech.net helps you experience the Duncan Kincaid books in order without missing any details.

Using Textospeech.net is simple. Just choose the book you want to hear and start listening. Enjoy every mystery and follow the adventures of Duncan Kincaid with ease. Textospeech.net makes it convenient to enjoy your favorite series.


What is the correct order to read the Duncan Kincaid series by Deborah Crombie?

The Duncan Kincaid series by Deborah Crombie should ideally be read in chronological order of publication to fully appreciate the character development and ongoing story arcs. The first book in the series is “A Share in Death,” followed by “All Shall Be Well,” and so on.

Are there any prequels or spin-offs related to the Duncan Kincaid series?

Deborah Crombie has written a few short stories and novellas featuring Duncan Kincaid and his partner Gemma James that complement the main series. However, there are no official prequels or spin-offs separate from the main series.

Can I read the Duncan Kincaid books out of order?

While each book in the series typically has its own self-contained mystery, there are overarching character developments and relationships that progress throughout the series. To fully appreciate these elements, it’s recommended to read the books in order, but you can still enjoy individual titles out of sequence.

How many books are currently in the Duncan Kincaid series, and is the series ongoing?

As of now, there are many books in the Duncan Kincaid series, with Deborah Crombie continuing to write and release new titles. The series is ongoing, so fans can look forward to more mysteries featuring Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James in the future.


Duncan Kincaid books are best read in order to enjoy the full depth of the series. Each book builds on the last, providing rich character development and intricate plots.

You can listen to these books using TextoSpeech.net, a top-notch, affordable text-to-speech tool. It makes enjoying the series even easier and more accessible.