Top 5 Best Text To Speech Affiliate Programs

Text to speech technology has revolutionized the way we interact with digital content, making it more accessible and user-friendly. As a result, the demand for text to speech affiliate programs is growing rapidly, offering unique opportunities for affiliates to earn commissions.

In this article, we will discuss the top five best text to speech affiliate programs, focusing on their overview will help you make an informed decision about which program aligns best with your affiliate marketing goals.

What is To Speech Affiliate Programs?

Text-to-Speech (TTS) affiliate programs are partnerships where you promote TTS technology and earn money. TTS technology changes written words into spoken words. It’s used in many areas like education and customer service.

By joining a TTS affiliate program, you share information about these services and get paid when someone buys them because of your recommendation. Being a part of this program is simple. You sign up, get unique links, and share them online.

When people use your links to buy TTS services, you earn a commission. It’s a good way to make money while sharing useful technology. This works well for bloggers, YouTubers, and others who have an audience interested in tech or accessibility tools.

Top 5 Best Text To Speech Affiliate Programs

1. TextoSpeech

Top 5 Best Text To Speech Affiliate Programs

TextoSpeech’s affiliate program lets you make money by sharing the service with others. If you sign up and get others to join, you can earn a 50% bonus on all sales from your links. It’s a top voiceover service with over 500 AI voices in more than 140 languages.

To start, just sign up, share your affiliate link, and promote it online. You can use ideas for blog posts, YouTube, TikTok, and other social media to tell people about TextoSpeech. When someone buys using your link, you earn cash. It’s that simple.

2. MicMonster

MicMonster’s affiliate program offers a chance to earn by promoting their voiceover service. You get a 40% commission for sales made through your affiliate link. MicMonster has a wide reach with over 600 voices in 140 languages.

Joining is easy. First, get your affiliate link, then start sharing it with friends and on your channels.

They offer three different plans including a quarterly, annual, and lifetime option, each with lots of features like a commercial license and an advanced editor. This makes it a good choice for those looking for text-to-speech affiliate programs to join.

3. VoiceOverMaker

The VoiceOverMaker affiliate program allows you to earn money by promoting their text-to-speech service. Beginners earn 20%, advanced affiliates with over 100 sales earn 30%, and professionals with more than 500 sales get 40% commission.

Joining is easy. Just create an account, and once approved, share your affiliate link to earn from sales. You get lifetime commissions from customers you refer, and payments are made through PayPal. This program is a great option for those looking to profit from the growing text-to-speech market.

4. PlayHT

PlayHT’s affiliate program lets you make money by telling others about their service. When you get people to sign up, you get 30% of the sales. It’s a monthly deal for every new customer you bring.

You get paid every month, and you need at least $25 to get your money. They use PayPal for payments. If someone clicks on your link and buys within 60 days, you earn from that sale. This is a good plan for making money with text-to-speech tools.

5. Speechify

Speechify’s affiliate program offers a big chance to earn, giving you 50% of the sales you bring in. It uses 90-day cookies, so you have 3 months after someone clicks your link to make a sale and earn money.

The program is strong because Speechify is well-known and many people use it. You can make $70 for selling text-to-speech (TTS), $120 for a voiceover studio, and $100 for audiobooks with TTS. This makes it one of the best affiliate programs for text-to-speech services.


What is a Text to Speech (TTS) Affiliate Program?

A TTS affiliate program is a marketing arrangement where affiliates earn a commission for promoting a company’s text-to-speech software or services. Affiliates typically use unique referral links to track sales or sign-ups attributed to their marketing efforts.

How do I become an affiliate for a TTS program?

To become an affiliate, you need to apply to the TTS provider’s affiliate program. This usually involves filling out an application on their website. Once approved, you’ll receive a unique affiliate link to use in your promotions.

What are the benefits of joining a TTS Affiliate Program?

Benefits include earning commissions on sales made through your referral link, access to promotional materials, and sometimes, special discounts for your audience. It’s also an opportunity to be associated with innovative technology.

Can I promote a TTS affiliate program on any platform?

Most TTS affiliate programs allow promotion on various platforms, including websites, blogs, social media, and email newsletters. However, it’s important to comply with the specific program’s rules and the platform’s advertising policies.


Exploring text-to-speech affiliate programs is a smart choice. These programs offer unique tools to enhance online content. TextoSpeech stands out with its user-friendly features and realistic voice options.

Choosing the right program can boost your online presence. TextoSpeech, with its advanced technology, makes a strong case for being the top pick. It’s all about finding what fits your needs best.